
As we set sail…

We are living times of immense transformation in Turkey…The substance of change that the country is going through is very important.  The direction of change is crucial. But what is overwhelming even for the closest of the observers of Turkish affairs is the pace of change.

Current pace of change appears to have become a factor in-and-of-itself that overshadows the substance and direction of all socio-political developments in the country.

Such rapid pace of events threatens the very fabric of the economic and cultural pillars of the country as a state in the modern age.

We see that a certain, generally pro-government segment of the political spectrum in Turkey capitalizes on the  pace of change and uses it to convey a self-serving, monolithic view to the outside world. It is no longer unusual when one hears commentators in foreign sources  making references on Turkey and one frequently finds himself wondering if that is the same country we are living in today.

As we set sail… We, an independent group of academic, professional, political persons, reflecting on the changes the country is going through, argue that an alternative view of developments does exist and must not be allowed to go unnoticed.
We believe a certain awareness of the “other side of the medal” would be paramount to understand and appreciate the current situation in Turkey.  More importantly, we believe such awareness and understanding of Turkey-today is the only way to project the likely direction of developments in the country and, no less significantly, in the region.

As we set sail… We aim to receive contributions of all independent and concerned parties to enrich and expand this platform of expression.  We have reinforce our print product by our online platform, www.reflectionsturkey.com which will provide an interactive and dynamic sphere of deliberation on Turkish affairs. We see this platform serving as an awareness-building medium for all true national and international friends of Turkey; but more significantly, for all proponents of prosperity and peace in our region.

Welcome on board…


Cengiz Erdoğan
