Introduction: AKP, Justice and Development Party, has built its reign on power through a series of unorthodox networks of … More
Author: Nebil İlseven
AKP’s Crisis Response Model: Thrive on Superficiality
Instead of addressing the critical policy needs, AKP Administration appears to be juggling with them.
AKP and the Politics of “Impossible Brotherhoods”
AKP’s sociological terminology of brothers and sisters have recently been turned into the politics of impossible brotherhoods by their.
For AKP, the “Game” Has Just Begun
With the rise of ethnic questions, the ruling party seems to be risking the decomposition of the political fabric of the Republic.
The “Hidden” That Never Was
After a decade of undisputed power, AKP can no longer be accused of pursuing a hidden agenda. The agenda was never hidden; it was actually obvious.
A Unique Example of Political Participation in Turkey: Twin Congresses
The latest two congresses of CHP constitute an unprecedented move in the history of political parties in Turkey.
AKP vs. AKP: A Political Tug-o-War
Power struggles within AKP intensify while Turkey is on the verge of a fundamental paradigm shift.